Sunday, October 30, 2011

Latun ke bhoot batun se nahi mante Oct 28

by Khurshid Anwer


I cannot recall an instance when one pillar of the state had made such scathing observations about another pillar of state. To wit, the remarks of the chief justice of the supreme court about the executive.

But the executive is unmoved, neither defending the charges, nor going for course correction. ‘Business as usual’ appears to be the strategy. ‘Catch us if you can’, the PM and his boss seem to be saying to the chief justice. Literally thumbing their nose at him.

The CJ calls the “Affair of the probes chaotic”. This is putting it mildly. The term chaotic fails to describe the NICL probe.

As the PIA boss said to the reporter, “We are the PPP government, we don’t fire, we only hire”. The message coming through here is, “We are the PPP government, we are friends of friends, we don’t allow our friends to be held accountable”. We are a law unto ourselves.

Talking about the officials involved in the RPP scams, he has said, “The court could not shut its eyes to corruption”. As the PPP government so conveniently does.

He said FIA is showing no progress on the cases sent to it. And if the court orders action against the relevant officer he is promoted to high rank next day. While an honest and capable officer is posted to Gilgit.

Those who should be probed are being appointed secretaries. All the inquiries sent by the court are pending.

Every institution in the country is infested with corruption and there is not even a single institution which could be trusted.

Circumstances have come to a point where a file from the minister’s table reaches to secretary’s table in five months.

The CJ needs to fall back on folk wisdom:

‘Latun ke bhoot batun se nahi mante’

A few contempt-of-court notice would be in order.

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