Friday, October 7, 2011

Dengue: The 2nd Phase Of Bio-War In Afro-Asia

“Weapons of mass destruction be atomic, biological or chemical, if the
west holds them its moral but with the non-white countries or Muslim world
its inhuman.” Raja Mujtaba

By Adeela Naureen – Opinion Maker


So called civilized nations have no scruples!

Before the readers label me as conspiracy theorist, I would recommend them to
go through or scan two important books, Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects
as Weapons of War by Jaffrey A Lockwood and Biohazard: The Chilling True
Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World by
Ken Alibek and Stephan Handlemen. If you don’t have time to do that, do it the
easiest way and search Wikipedia. You may be surprised to know that Dengue
was part of US secret Biological warfare program right from after the 2nd World

As per Wikipedia, “When the U.S. biological warfare program ended in 1969 it
had developed seven mass-produced, battle-ready biological weapons in the
form of agents that cause: anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, Q-fever, VEE, and
botulism. In addition Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B was produced as an
incapacitating agent.

In addition to the agents that were ready to be used the
U.S. program conducted research into the weaponization of more than 20 other
agents. They included: smallpox, EEE and WEE, AHF, Hantavirus, BHF, Lassa
fever, glanders, melioidosis, plague, yellow fever, psittacosis, typhus, dengue
fever, Rift Valley fever (RVF), CHIKV, late blight of potato, rinderpest, Newcastle
disease, bird flu, and the toxin ricin. Besides the numerous pathogens that afflict
human beings, the U.S. had developed an arsenal of anti-agriculture biological

These included rye stem rust spores (stored at Edgewood Arsenal,
1951–1957), wheat stem rust spores (stored at the same facility 1962 – 1969),
and the causative agent of rice blast (stored at Fort Detrick 1965 – 1966).A U.S.
facility at Fort Terry primarily focused on anti-animal biological agents. The first
agent that was a candidate for development was foot and mouth disease (FMD).
Besides FMD, five other top secret biological weapons projects were
commissioned on Plum Island.The other four programs researched included
RVF, rinderpest, African swine fever, plus eleven miscellaneous exotic animal

The eleven miscellaneous pathogens were: Blue tongue virus, bovine
influenza, bovine virus diarrhea (BVD), fowl plague, goat pneumonitis,
mycobacteria, "N" virus, Newcastle disease, sheep pox, Teschers disease, and
vesicular stomatitis. Work on delivery systems for the U.S. bio-weapons arsenal
led to the first mass-produced biological weapon in 1952, the M33 cluster bomb.

The M33's sub-munition, the pipe bomb like, cylindrical M114 bomb, was also
completed and battle-ready by 1952. Other delivery systems researched and at
least partially developed during the 1950s included the E77 balloon bomb and
the E86 cluster bomb. The peak of U.S. biological weapons delivery system
development came during the 1960s. Production of cluster bomb sub-muntions
began to shift from the cylindrical bomblets to spherical bomblets, which had a
larger coverage area.

Welcome to the world of Bio-War in Afro- Asia and where the spread of sudden
and hitherto-fore unknown diseases and biological catastrophe is becoming the
order of the day. If you look at the sequence of events in last decades or so, you
will find a set pattern where Asia and Africa is constantly engaged in fighting one
catastrophe after the other. Can you recall names like the SAARS virus, Bird Flu,
Ebola Virus, HIV, Hepatitis C, and even Swine Flu.

With the entry of US led coalition into West Asia and Middle East, the remote test labs of Continental US like Lawrence Livermore and Plum Island are no more required to do the testing
and storage, these weapon systems can be conveniently hidden and used in the
vast spaces of Afghanistan, Balochistan and the Libyan Sahara and rest of
Africa. The NGOs and organization like Backwater who claim to be on
humanitarian and security missions can conveniently befool the general public as
well as naïve governments and unleash the new war in Afro Asian region.

Why has outbreak of these biological diseases become so rampant in the regions
where the West has special interests? And why has the developing world
become vulnerable to these outbreaks despite advances in science and
technology? Why does the developing world depend upon vaccines and
antidotes which are produced very late after the outbreak has taken its due toll?
And who produces these vaccines and antidotes at exuberant costs to the
developing world?

These are some of the important questions requiring attention
of peoples at the helm of affairs in the developing world. Africa, Asia and Latin
American countries like Mexico are the future of the world, where demographic
strength is likely to make these as power hubs in the next decades or so. With
the western world losing the demographic battle all over, as well as finding its
hold slipping in the economic and political affairs, Bio-War may be a better
approach in the new realm of use of Non-Kinetic means against current and
potential adversaries.

A track of Dengue outbreak in Pakistan may be interesting as it has originated
from the port of Karachi and two strategic junction points, Pakistan-Iran-
Afghanistan junction near Nimroz province of Afghanistan and Pakistan-China-
Afghanistan junction from Badakhshan province. If we think that the US led
Coalition was only supporting terrorism in Pakistan through her bogey of TTP
then we are too naïve to underestimate their capability and reach.                                                  

All kind of Kinetic and Non-Kinetic means at the disposal of US led Coalition may have
been tested, employed as well as kept ready for use in Afghanistan; drones and
TTP are just the Kinetic Part. This should lead us to soul searching as well as
taking effective security measures for good health of Pakistan and her people.
Probably the second phase of Bio-War has been unleashed against Afro-Asian

I would conclude by referring to Ed Regis’ famous book, The Biology of Doom,
it talks of US, Russian, German and Japanese Biological Warfare programmes
between 1930 and 1980,when the so called civilized nations were busy in testing
and mass production of Biological Weapons to destroy humanity in a Non-Kinetic
War, a war which would cripple generations and unleash such diseases and
viruses against humans, animals and crops that even Hitler’s scorched Earth
policy would look like a child’s play. Thirty years have passed since The Biology
of Doom appeared in the book stores, the evil in humans have progressed a lot
after 1980; today, Biological Weapons combined with Economic Wars and Media
Wars can devastate Nations and Continent without the detection of the

It is high time for the developing world to call this bluff of the west and
join in a global jihad to get rid of Non-Kinetic Warriors hidden behind the façade
of humanity and democracy.

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