Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Extracted by me from the Internet sites through Google Search: { please read and understand then evaluate our circumstances from the stand point of a supposedly Independent country:

  • Freedom from control or influence of another or others
  • Independence is the self-government of a nation, country, or state by its residents and population, or some portion thereof, generally exercising ...
  • free from external control and constraint;
  • autonomous: (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state”
  • The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of one's own affairs without interference.
  • independence - freedom from control or influence of another or others


    freedom - the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints

    autonomy, liberty - immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence

    autarchy, autarky - economic independence as a national policy

    self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, autonomy - personal independence

    separateness - political independence;

Independence is the self-government of a nation, country, or state by its residents and population, or some portion thereof, generally exercising sovereignty.

The term independence is used in contrast to subjugation, which refers to a region as a "territory" —subject to the political and military control of an external government. The word is sometimes used in a weaker sense to contrast with hegemony, the indirect control of one nation by another, more powerful nation.

Independence can be the initial status of an emerging nation (often filling a political void), but is often an emancipation from some dominating power. It can be argued that independence is a negative definition: the state of not being controlled by another power through colonialism, expansionism or imperialism. Independence may be obtained by decolonization, or by separation or dissolution.

Although the last three can often coincide with it, they are not to be confused with revolution, which typically refers to the violent overthrow of a ruling authority. This sometimes only aims to redistribute power—with or without an element of emancipation, such as in democratizationwithin a state, which as such may remain unaltered. The Russian October Revolution, for example, was not intended to seek national independence; the United States Revolutionary War, however, was.

Autonomy (in slight contrast) refers to a kind of independence which has been granted by an overseeing authority that itself still retains ultimate authority over that territory (see Devolution). A protectorate refers to an autonomous region that depends upon a larger government for its protection as an autonomous region. The dates of established independence (or, to a lesser degree, the commencement of revolution), are typically celebrated as a national holiday known as an independence day.

Sometimes, a state wishing to achieve independence from a dominating power will issue a declaration of independence, the earliest surviving example being Scotland's Declaration of Arbroath, and the most recent example being Abkhazia's Act of State Independence. Another example is the U.S. Declaration of Independence issued in 1776.

Causes for a country or province wishing to seek independence are many. Disillusionment rising from the establishment is a cause widely used in separatist movements, but it is usually severe economic difficulties that trigger these groups into action. The means can extend from peaceful demonstrations, like in the case of the Indian independence movement, to a violent civil war.}


During our recent 14th August ceremonies and celebrations a thought struck me, what is it that we are actually celebrating?!

1947? what is it about? obtaining freedom from the Indian/British control and domination? what else did it really mean for us and for those who finally accepted and agreed to allowing us our freedom?

Because as far back as I can remember we have always been in chains, of one form or another; when, I ask you, have we ever been really free?! simply put, NEVER!

We have, from day one, been getting handouts with conditions and provisions, we never suffered in our existence because we believed that our fore-fathers did that for us, when they fought for the independence, of the Muslims; we have not suffered in the process of building this Motherland, not an iota!

We have not given, never given of ourselves, while we have stood on the sidelines and let others do what they deemed fit even though we knew that it was NOT in the Motherlands prime interest, but in an individual’s personal interest to do so. By our silence we have unwittingly led them to believe that we support them or at least, don't disagree with what they do in the rape of the poor and down-trodden and the Motherland that is now ours to contend with.

Contend with it we must if we seek a future full of promise for ourselves and for the generations to follow, only you and I can through our single effort can unite each one together if we try!

It is not too late let us begin the silent revolution, not through bloodshed but through creating the awareness needed to unite!

There is no better time than right now!

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